How to Get Smooth Skin (without Makeup or Photoshop)

Did you know that there are people out there - human beings, on planet Earth, that breathe the same oxygen as you and me - who naturally have baby-smooth, porcelain skin? They could wash their face with a towel made of asphalt and still wake up looking airbrushed. I know one of these types and it is as infuriating as it is awe-inspiring to look at her skin.

I, on the other hand, was not similarly #blessed and have always struggled with large pores, small and hard rash-like bumps that never seem to disappear, and an overall rough skin texture that no primer or foundation could conceal.

While the majority of us likely won't ever achieve that level of dermatological perfection (Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's - no she was definitely born with it), don't dismiss the idea of having smooth skin as an unobtainable. Sure, there are plenty of ways to fake photo-ready skin, by why settle when you can have the real thing?

Biracial woman in green romper sits on wall
No retouching on this photo, just iPhone's portrait mode and a full coverage foundation at work.

5 Ways to Improve Uneven Skin Texture

First off, need to acknowledge that there's nothing wrong with skin having texture. Photo editing has us believing that looking poreless is the norm when it very much isn't. I've worked in the fashion industry and have been to photo shoots and have seen the before and after of the raw photo and the edited one and have seen firsthand that yes, even gorgeous gorgeous models have pores. 

I address this issue because my skin has become increasingly sensitive in adulthood and I am prone to heat rash and am constantly battling hard little bumps on my face. Those little bumps can act as beacons for powder and creams which can cause my makeup to look cakey. I try to minimize my skin texture to give my makeup the best canvas possible.   

Here are five recommendations - a combination of my favorite products and techniques - that I've used to improve my uneven skin texture, minimize the size of my pores, and keep my face soft and smooth. Keep in mind that these are not tips on how to get an even skin tone (which is more about coloration). While some of these tips may help with that issue, this post is just about how to smooth skin texture on the face.

1. Stimulate Skin-Cell Regeneration

My #1 all-time favorite product for this is the Exuviance Performance Peel AP25. It is a glycolic acid peel and one of the strongest over-the-counter face peels available. This product is the only thing I've found to effectively minimize the small, hard bumps I have on my nose, but it's really a holy grail skin product for all sorts of skin troubles. Whether you struggle with hyperpigmentation, acne scars, or wrinkles, this peel really can fix it all. The main ingredients - glycolic, mandelic, and polyhydroxy acids - will whip your skin into shape by chemically exfoliating dead skin and stimulating the fresh skin beneath it for serious, non-invasive, resurfacing of facial skin.

Here's how it works: this bad boy consists of a two-step system of medicated facial wipes. The first wipe contains the Activator Pad which you leave on your face for at least 10 minutes (I usually leave mine for 30 minutes to an hour - although I wouldn't recommend this for beginners). Your face will be shiny and a bit sticky and you will likely feel a burning sensation the first few times you use it (beauty is pain right?). Afterward, you will apply the Neutralizer Pad and rinse your face with water. Your skin may be a little red and tender but don't worry, it's a good thing! Just be sure to apply your richest, most moisturizing, and good-for-you serums and toners to nourish your spanking new skin. I always apply this peel at night and no more than twice a week. 

While this product isn't cheap ($80 per box, which comes with 12 sets of pads), it's worth every penny. Fortunately, Ulta usually offers it during their 21 Days of Beauty so you can snag the Exuviance Performance Peel AP25 for only $40 - a total steal!

Pro-tip: Because the acid peel is so powerful, avoid using this product immediately before or after prolonged sun exposure when your skin might be damaged and already sensitive, which leads us to our second tip...

Gray and white acid peel wipes from Exuviance

2. Wear Sunscreen Daily

Sunscreen is an obvious must-have if you're worried about facial discoloration, but does it actually matter for skin texture? Well, if you've made it this far then you know this blog post is all about improving facial skin texture so you already know that the answer is a resounding yes!

Even if you don't get a sunburn, the sun can wreak havoc on your skin texture. Why? Sun exposure can thicken the skin, causing your pores to appear larger and more exaggerated (conversely, this is why exfoliating can help minimize the appearance of pores - it sloughs off dead skin and any excess buildup around your pores). Further, the sun can also dehydrate your skin and cause the breakdown of collagen and elastin, prematurely causing the loss of youthful suppleness. If you still aren't sold on the impact that sunscreen could have on your skin, compare the texture of your cheeks, the left, and the right side. Odds are that for those of you who drive, your right, non-window-facing cheek probably has the better texture of the two.

There's no specific sunscreen you need to buy or a certain ingredient that needs to be present - any sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 will make a huge impact on the smoothness of your face (ideally you'll use one with an SPF of 30 or higher). Even though I'm naturally tan, I live in South Florida so I use a heavy-duty K-beauty sunscreen that also doubles as a makeup primer (Missha Mild Essence Sun Milk SPF 50). My one recommendation for choosing the best sunscreen is one that's specifically created for use on the face. These tend to be much more moisturizing and have fewer harsh chemicals than the ones intended for the bodies of beachgoers.

3. Remove Acne Scar Buildup

While acne scars aren't the primary target when it comes to fixing rough texture on the face, the scar tissue they leave behind can be an irritating part of the healing process. One of my favorite targeted acne and dark spot corrects is Differin Gel, one of the strongest acne spot treatments you can get without a prescription.

While it's technically allowed for daily use, this product is powerful and I recommend using it on an as-needed basis rather than a regular part of your skincare routine. I strictly use it when a pimple has appeared or I'm actively trying to fade an acne scar. I strongly recommend against using this as preventative acne care since Differin Gel is very drying and will likely cause peeling in the applied areas. While the peeling is proof that it's working (I've seen results as quickly as overnight) it causes several of the upper layers of your skin to shed, even with the use of moisturizers.

Additionally, Differin Gel can cause sun sensitivity at the area of application, which makes daily use ill-advised for someone who is regularly in the sun or already has sensitive skin. Wearing sunscreen will likely lessen any irritation you would incur, but the drying properties of the gel + drying nature of prolonged sun exposure could aggravate the tender new skin the gel is revealing.
Blue Differin Gel box and white tube of product

4. Apply Fresh Aloe Vera 

You know how there are jokes about generations of mothers who swear by one particular item as a cureall for every ailment? (Flu? Vicks. Bad grades? Vicks. Boyfriend won't wash the dishes? VICKS).  I definitely foresee myself becoming one of those when it comes to aloe vera. This miracle succulent has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties along with Vitamins A and C, making it the spikey little plant that can do no wrong. It does wonders for burns and infections, it's incredibly moisturizing (99% water), and has been linked to restoring collagen in the skin. Thanks to aloe's unique enzymes, it's a natural exfoliant that can pull out gunk from deep within your pores and give it an overall smoother appearance. For me, it has been the go-to for my weirdest skin issues when all else fails.

In a strange turn of events, my mid-20s found my skin with a newfound sensitivity to not just the sun, but the heat itself. If I was ever in hot enough temperatures to make me sweat heavily, I could count on rash-like breakouts of tiny, headless bumps or puffy red patches on my cheeks. Following my father's advice, I slit open an aloe vera leaf and applied the refreshingly cool gel directly to the affected areas. Within 24 hours bumps and redness were noticeably less visible, but my skin also felt softer and smoother to the touch.

For anyone else whose skin suffers from heat or sun-sensitive skin, having fresh aloe on hand is a must. Those processed aloe gels are as good as garbage in my experience, nothing compares to the real thing. If you don't have an aloe vera plant handy, mosey on over to your local grocery store. They should have huge aloe leaves in the fresh produce section. 

Aloe vera also makes for a fabulous moisturizer or natural, plant-based acne treatment. Keep in mind, however, that the gel is extremely sticky and can get goopy on the face which could make it difficult to use as a base for makeup. It also has an extremely bitter taste and makes for a very unpleasant experience if accidentally gets near your mouth area.

5. Hydrate!

There is only one type of thirst that's allowed on this blog (forever stan Henry Cavill). Water is the key to having the best skin possible. There is no shortcut around it, no topical cream you can slap on your skin to avoid it. If you're wondering how to improve the texture of your face you. need. to. drink. more. water.  

Gif of two women offering a glass of water

Achieving smooth skin can be an uphill battle and it's one that must be fought both internally and externally, topical treatments can only do so much. Your skin is very much an organ that - just like your hair or nails - is literally made up of what you put into your body.

Keep in mind that dehydrated skin is different from having dry skin: dehydration is a condition that is caused by a lack of water, while dry skin is a skin type that is caused by a lack of naturally produced oil (sebum). While a good moisturizer can usually rectify the effects of the dry skin type, dehydration can cause a host of problems that will make your job of slaying your makeup more difficult: darker undereye circles, saggy undereye skin, increased or more noticeable wrinkles and fine lines, itchiness, and overall dullerr of the skin.

One way to incorporate the benefits of water externally is to make sure you're applying your moisturizer soon after washing your face. This seals the moisture that water naturally imparts in addition to all its other plumping and smoothing benefits.

Bye Bye, Rough Skin on Face

I've been using the products and routines above for several years now and have definitely witnessed a long-term improvement in my overall skin texture, even when I tend to lapse in proper skincare. My five recommendations for getting smoother skin build on one another, and as you continue to use them, you should see an improvement in your skin's overall health.

I still use primers and concealers, filters, and fancy digital editing tools to make my skin look better in photos, but having a great base to apply my makeup makes a huge difference (and saves me from having to do a bunch of tapping on the FaceTune app). If anything, the one takeaway I hope to have impressed upon you is that you don't have to throw thousands of dollars at your skin. While consistency is the most important aspect of any skincare regime.

But there's no shame in having imperfect skin or grainy skin, and just like the concept of "good hair" and "bad hair", it's all bullshit. Sure, some of us are luckier than others, but face skin with a bumpy texture serves the exact same purpose as someone with porcelain skin: to protect our organs and regulate the amount of water in our bodies. Regardless of the skin's texture, if it's holding your organs intact then it's doing its job (try not to be so harsh on it).


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